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Explore electrical resistance

Explore electrical resistance

Testing the electrical resistivity of different materials In this activity learners will make use of the theme of electrical resistance to experiment with an electronic circuit. They will learn how to use an electronic multimeter and will then apply their skills to test the electrical resistivity of various materials. This activity could be used as a main lesson activity to teach about resistors and their use. It could also be used as part of a wider scheme of learning focussing on the selection of materials for different applications. This is one of a series of resources developed in association with the National Grid ESO, to allow learners to use the theme of electronics to develop their knowledge and skills in Design & Technology and Science. This resource focusses on practical experiments investigating the resistance of different materials. National Grid ESO ensure that Great Britain has the essential energy it needs by ensuring supply meets demand every second of every day. The teacher will explain what is meant by resistance and then explain the task to the learners through a series of practical hands-on activities. At the end of the session the teacher will get the learners back together to discuss their findings. This activity can be simplified (particularly for less able students) by setting up the multimeter in advance to the correct range before handing to learners. This activity is designed to take between 45-70 minutes. Tools/resources required Multimeters (digital or analogue) Assorted resistors, including 33kΩ Breadboards Crocodile clips Pencils and paper Glass of water Table salt Selection of materials (for the extension activity) The engineering context Many components, such as integrated circuits, can be damaged by high current. An understanding of resistance allows electrical engineers to select resistors to protect these components, ensuring the effective and continued operation of the electronic devices. Suggested learning outcomes By the end of this free resource students will be able to choose materials based on their resistivity; understand the basics of resistance; and be able to use electronic devices to measure resistance. All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs. The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Please share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation.
Make a flood barrier system

Make a flood barrier system

Design and make a circuit to detect an overflow from a river and raise a temporary barrier using Crumble This is one of a series of resources produced in association with Fairfield Control Systems that are designed to allow learners to use the theme of waterways to develop their knowledge and skills in Design & Technology and Engineering. This resource focusses on designing and making a programmable electronic system to control a flood barrier. This activity can be simplified (particularly for less able students) by providing a partially completed template for producing the systems block diagram; pre-download the example program onto the Crumble microcontroller boards; and/or provide a diagram to aid with system assembly. As an extension students could design a mechanical system to convert the rotary motion from the motor to the movement of a barrier; update the program to take account of this mechanical movement (e.g. the time needed to move the barrier); and/or add light or sound outputs to the system to warn people when the barrier is moving. This activity is designed to take between 70-110 minutes. Tools/resources required Crumble controller board and USB download cable Three red crocodile clips and three black crocodile clips Three AA batteries and battery pack Crumble motor Bowl of water for testing To make a moisture sensor: Copper tape Card Sticky tape Scissors The engineering context The waterways (including their protection, maintenance and control) is an excellent context to explore opportunities that working in the engineering industry presents. For example, designing and making control systems that help the waterways to work more effectively. Electrical, electronic and control engineers need to have knowledge, understanding and skills associated with circuit design and assembly, and the programming of electronic control systems. Suggested learning outcomes By the end of this free resource students will be able to design and make an electronic control system for a flood barrier; understand how block diagrams are used to represent systems; and be able to use programmable components to solve a real engineering problem. All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs. The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Please share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation.
National Grid jigsaw

National Grid jigsaw

Make a jigsaw that shows the main elements in power generation and transmission In this activity learners will make use of the theme of the National Grid to complete a labelled jigsaw of the main parts of the electricity distribution network. They will assemble the different pieces into an image of the National Grid network and use labelled cards to identify each part. This is one of a set of resources designed to allow learners to use practical methods to support the delivery of key topics within Design & Technology, Science, and Engineering. This resource, developed with the support of National Grid ESO, focusses on learners developing knowledge of the different parts of the National Grid by completing a jigsaw of it. National Grid ESO ensure that Great Britain has the essential energy it needs by ensuring supply meets demand every second of every day. The teacher will explain the purpose of the National Grid and how it works before setting the students with the task of completing the jigsaw and then reviewing responses and discussing outcomes on completion of the work. This activity can be simplified (particularly for less able students) by using the jigsaw template with the labels already added. As an extension students could try using the internet to identify the different methods used to generate electricity, and then discussing what the advantages and disadvantages are of each method. Students could also investigate what a transformer is used for and find out why it is needed. This activity is designed to take between 25-40 minutes. Tools/resources required Card for the jigsaw image and labels Laminating facilities (if the jigsaws are to be re-used with different classes) The engineering context It is important that all engineers understand how products and systems are powered. This includes how electricity is generated, transmitted and made available for us to use in our homes and businesses. Power engineering is a very important field which focusses on how energy is generated and transmitted. There are lots of well-paid and rewarding careers available in this area. Suggested learning outcomes By the end of this free resource students will be able to assemble a jigsaw of the National Grid and be able to identify each of the main parts. Students should also be able to describe the purpose of each stage of the National Grid network. All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs. The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Please share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation.
Digital photography

Digital photography

Create your own digital art Technology has helped to change the way we make art today. Learners can use this resource created with Archives of IT to find out how to take a good photo then create their own digital art using photos they have previously taken or that are available in school. Activity info, teachers’ notes and curriculum links In this activity learners will develop an understanding of some terms used in graphics and art, how to capture digital pictures, and how to edit digital images. This activity could be used as a main lesson activity, to introduce the concept of digital art and increase understanding of the creative approaches of different artists. Alternatively, it could be used to introduce or reinforce how to use a digital camera and image processing software. All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download and are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs. And please do share your learning highlights and final creations with us on social media @IETeducation or send them via email to IETEducation@theiet.org to be featured in our online gallery. Downloadable content • Digital photography activity • Digital photography presentation Tools/resources required Digital cameras (or tablets with integrated cameras) Computers / laptops / tablets Image manipulation software, such as Paint or Paintz. The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. To view the videos, please visit the IET Education website
Water treatment systems

Water treatment systems

Investigate the salinity of different water samples Water is crucial to human life, but it can also be a killer. Drinking or cooking water contaminated with micro-organisms or chemicals is a leading cause of disease and death across the world. Poor facilities for the disposal of sewage and other waste water can quickly lead to the spread of dangerous diseases. Activity info, teachers’ notes and curriculum links In this practical activity students investigate the salinity of three different water samples using a multimeter. Students first calibrate their salination probe and test the salinity of their solutions. Students can be asked to suggest how errors might have appeared in their results and what could be done to minimise or eliminate them. This activity can be used as an extension to the ‘Filtering water’ activity. The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Download the activity sheets for free! All activity sheets and supporting resources (including film clips!) are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs. And please do share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation
Robotics poster

Robotics poster

Primary classroom poster looking at how the design of the Mars Curiosity enables it to explore the planet Mars effectively. Download the single poster here or order a full set of posters for free from the IET Education website.
Prosthetic devices

Prosthetic devices

The development of new materials with incredible properties is changing the way we live. From LCD TVs to super light airliners, these materials have quickly found their way into pretty much all of the modern technology around us. One area where modern materials have made a huge impact is in the development of prosthetic devices. Some of these devices are beginning to outperform ‘natural’ body parts. Activity info,  teachers’ notes and curriculum links to KS3 science materials Using the short video ‘Bionic Limbs’, this activity is a quick, engaging introduction to a KS3 science materials lesson looking at the properties of modern materials. It encourages students to think about how technology is changing our society by generating their own ideas for prosthetic devices that they think will be realistic in the near future. There are takeaways for KS4 biology and KS3 product design. The activity sheet includes teachers’ notes, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Download the activity sheet and quiz for free! All activity sheets and supporting resources (including film clips!) are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs. And please do share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation.
Make a model hydraulic boat lift

Make a model hydraulic boat lift

Making a model of a hydraulic boat lift using syringes This is one of a series of resources produced in association with Fairfield Control Systems that are designed to allow learners to use the theme of waterways to develop their knowledge and skills in Design & Technology, Engineering and Science. This resource is based on the Anderton boat lift and the use of hydraulic systems. The teacher will first discuss what is meant by a hydraulic system and how they are used in engineering applications such as cranes and brakes. The teacher will then demonstrate the steps shown in the presentation to make the model boat lift. Learners will then carry out the activity and produce their own models before showing their boat lift models to peers and asking what could be improved. This activity can be simplified (particularly for less able students) by pre-cutting the templates and corrugated cardboard to size. An exemplar model could be used to illustrate what the final boat life should look like. Print out the handout for learners to cut out and use the templates. As an extension students could investigate how much the boat lift can lift. This activity is designed to take between 45-70 minutes to complete. Tools/resources required Corrugated cardboard sheets 10 ml syringes Cable ties (Size: 20 cm length) 3 mm clear plastic tube Water and measuring jugs Food dye Pencils Sticky tack Adhesive Masking tape, sticky tape or hot glue gun (optional) Craft knife and cutting mat (teacher only) The engineering context The waterways (including their protection, maintenance and control) is an excellent context to explore opportunities that working in the engineering industry presents. For example, constructing locks, building narrowboats or making and maintaining boat lifts. Engineers often make models of working systems to test how they function. For example, a crane designer will make models of different crane designs to see which structures can provide the best support and which designs can lift the heaviest object. Suggested learning outcomes By the end of this free resource students will be able to know the difference between pneumatic and hydraulic systems; know that 3D shapes can be constructed using templates; and be able to make a model of a simple boat lift model using syringes. All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs. The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Please share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation.
Prosthetics imitating the human body

Prosthetics imitating the human body

Explore the body parts that can be replaced with prosthetic devices With the constant advancement in materials and prosthetic technology, this engineering activity for kids explores different materials and their suitability in the use of prosthetics for different body parts. Students will gather data on different materials to create a presentation that can be used to discuss new materials and the part that they play in the development of prosthetic devices. This free STEM resource is aimed at secondary school students. Students will be encouraged to think about how technology is changing our society. This lesson can be introduced by talking about skeletons. An anatomical skeleton can be used as a prop. Do you know what can be done when joints wear out in our skeletons? Students will be divided into teams and asked to come up with a list of body parts that can be replaced with prosthetic devices. Each team will explain their results to the rest of the class. Students can vote for the device they think is most likely to be made in the future. This activity will take roughly 15 minutes to complete. The engineering context The development of new materials with incredible properties is changing the way we live. From LCD TVs to super light airliners, these materials have quickly found their way into the modern technology around us. One area where modern materials have made a huge impact is in the development of prosthetic devices. Some of these devices are beginning to outperform ‘natural’ body parts. The resources within this, and the related activities, encourage students to investigate the properties of smart materials and carry out some data manipulation. Students will also explore the possible moral and ethical issues associated with people potentially choosing to replace healthy body parts with artificial prostheses because they offer higher performance. Suggested learning outcome By the end of this activity students will be able to explain what joints are and how they work. They will also be able to suggest links between modern technology and health. All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs. The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Please share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation
Table Tennis Server Challenge

Table Tennis Server Challenge

IET Faraday® DIY Challenge Day This engineering challenge for kids aims to create a device that consistently serves table tennis balls to a player so that they can practice their skills at the table tennis table. By creating this brilliant machine, a player can practice table tennis on their own while the machine serves back to them. Activity introduction The Faraday Challenge ‘Table Tennis Server’ has been designed for six teams of six students (36 students in total) aged 12 – 13 years (year 8, and equivalent). Each team will be asked to assign: a team leader; an accountant; an assessment coordinator; two scientists; two mathematicians; two design and technologists; manufacturers and designers. Each team member will need to be assigned more than one role and feed into different aspects of the day. You can adapt this set of resources for larger numbers of students if, for example, you wish to run the event for the whole year group. If this is the case, you will need to increase the number of team booklets and practical resources appropriately. We have provided a set of printable resources and guidelines notes giving teachers and technicians the basic ingredients to run their very own Faraday Challenge Day. This cross-curricular activity day brings science, design and technology, engineering and maths (STEM) together in an engaging way. The set of downloadable materials includes: Teachers pack A list of the practical materials needed, presenters’ notes highlighting key areas and reinforcing key themes throughout the day, some handy hints on how to deliver the day . . . plus printable Faradays currency and student certificates. Student booklet Available as an editable MSWord document to allow the booklet to be adapted to meets the needs of your students and your school. Introductory PowerPoint presentation A step-by-step guide for your students throughout the day, with supporting notes for the delivery of the presentation, including links to the related film clips. The engineering context Table tennis is a growing sport in the UK. Practice, as with most things, is the key to improving at the sport. The only problem is that it is hard to practice on your own. Being able to return service is often what provides the edge in terms of winning and losing. Within this challenge, students will work in teams to design and make a prototype device that will serve tennis balls consistently across a table tennis table. The server must fit securely on the edge of the table and serve at least four balls accurately and precisely in the same position, and allow the ball to be returned. Download the activity sheets for free! All online resources (including film clips!) are free to download, and the student booklet and PowerPoint presentation are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs. For additional related videos, please visit the IET Education website.
How does a Sat Nav system work?

How does a Sat Nav system work?

Learn about the technology behind satellite navigation systems and discuss the pros and cons of using them Can your students consider how a GPS system functions and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using them? This activity is suitable for KS3 and KS4 and encourages students to undertake research and produce a visual display. This activity is an engaging investigation into the uses of communication technology in the modern world. This activity is an individual activity and could be run in an ICT suite to allow students to use the internet for research. Distribute the Sat Nav handout to students. This handout gives some outline information about satellites and an un-annotated diagram. Students can cut out or copy the un-annotated diagram and add information to this to produce a visual display of how a Sat Nav system works. There are a series of questions on the Sat Nav handout. Questions 1-4 are designed to get students to undertake research on the topic of satellites and their functionalities and capabilities. This is a simple activity that will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. How does a Sat Nav system work? What we often refer to as ‘Sat Nav’ is properly called the Global Positioning System (GPS). This uses satellites that continually transmit a signal. They are like an accurate orbiting clock. The signal from at least three and up to seven satellites is received and compared by the Sat Nav device. Using some complicated maths, the Sat Nav device can work out not only where it is on the Earth’s surface, but at what altitude it is as well. The position information is compared with a map downloaded and stored by the Sat Nav device. The satellites tell you where you are, and the mapping hardware fills in the pictures of the road around you. The satellites need to have a clear path through the air to the Sat Nav device – this is normally called a clear line of ‘sight’. The engineering context Living in a highly technological world, where access to information and entertainment is at our fingertips, the Inform and Entertain Me topic is a gateway to engage and introduce students to the principles and technology that form the basis for communication devices that are used in our everyday lives. Download the free How does a Sat Nav system work? activity sheet! All activity sheets, worksheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs. The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Please share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation
Changing perceptions with design 2

Changing perceptions with design 2

An engaging activity in which students will develop a marketing strategy and advertising materials for the product. It will be taught through teamwork mirroring the design process within a ‘design consultancy.’ Each team will pitch for the tender at the end of the unit, presenting ideas to the class. This activity could be taught in design & technology, with the emphasis on product design or graphics.
Technology in sports

Technology in sports

In this engineering activity, students will work in groups to share their knowledge of the use of technology in sport. They will each give a 60 second presentation about the topic to their group. This task is aimed at secondary school students and could be used as a starter activity with ‘Create a portable beep tester’ as the main activity. It is an ideal exercise for learners to both demonstrate and develop their knowledge of the topic of technology in sport, and share with their peers. Activity introduction This activity encourages learners to recall information, helps learners develop their oral presentation skills and encourages learners to work together to develop their knowledge. The teacher will first state to students that they will be demonstrating their existing knowledge of the use of technology in sport. They will also be developing their knowledge further by working with other learners in this group and listening to their presentations. Learners will be expected to work in teams of four. Their topic to talk about will be ‘the use of technology in sport’. Each learner in the group will, in turn, speak about this topic to their team for 60 seconds. They must try not to hesitate, deviate or repeat any information! Each group of four will write a summary of the main points learnt and read it out the class. This can be both in terms of knowledge of the topic and oral presentation techniques used. The engineering context Sports Technology is an ideal topic for teaching about programmable components and embedded intelligence in products. These are key parts of the 2014 programme of study for Design and Technology at key stage 3. It is also an ideal vehicle for using the BBC micro:bit in the classroom and developing the product integration skills of learners. Technology in sport This is one of a series of resources to support the use of the BBC micro:bit in Design and Technology lessons. Technology can be used in sports to enhance performance and help participants to improve their fitness and stamina. For example, automated beep tests can be used to monitor fitness levels during training sessions and set targets for future improvement. In this unit of learning, students will use the BBC micro:bit to develop a prototype for an electronic beep test that can be used to help people monitor and improve their fitness levels. Suggested learning outcomes By the end of this activity students will be able to describe how technology can be used in sport, present an oral presentation on the topic of technology in sport and they will be able to work as part of a team to develop their knowledge of technology in sport. Download the activity sheets for free! And please do share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation.
Easter vacuum forming project for KS3

Easter vacuum forming project for KS3

Use vacuum forming to make chocolate egg moulds In this Easter STEM project students will learn about the vacuum forming process and its applications. They will learn how to use a vacuum forming machine to produce a mould that they can then use to cast a handmade chocolate Easter egg. This challenge is aimed at secondary school students and could be used as a main lesson activity to teach learners about the use of vacuum forming, or as part of a wider scheme of learning covering either manufacturing processes and techniques or the integration of different disciplines within Design and Technology. This is one of a set of free STEM resources designed to allow learners to use Easter themes to develop their knowledge and skills in Design and Technology, Science and Mathematics. This resource focuses on using the vacuum forming process to create a mould for a chocolate Easter egg. Please note that this activity requires access to a workshop for vacuum forming and appropriate facilities for hygienic food preparation, such as a food technology room. In many school workshops there will only be one or two vacuum forming machines available for use. In this instance learners will need to take turns in using this equipment. They could be split into small groups to make this process less time consuming. This is a fun and engaging Easter STEM challenge and will take approximately 50-80 minutes to complete. Chocolate Easter Eggs Although chocolate was introduced to Europe in 1502, it was initially just made into drinks, like cocoa. Chocolate Easter eggs were first made in France and Germany in the 19th Century. The first chocolate egg in the UK was made in 1873 by J S Fry and Sons Limited. One of the challenges with making these eggs was to form their shape. Tools/resources required Half egg-shaped former Suitable material for forming, such as high impact polystyrene (HIP) Vacuum forming machine Stanley knife or other cutting tool suitable for trimming the edges of the formed plastic mould Chocolate for melting (either cooking chocolate or milk chocolate bars work well) The engineering context Engineers use vacuum forming for manufacturing a wide range of products, such as storage containers, children’s toys, baths, and food packaging. Suggested learning outcomes By the end of this exercise students will have an understanding of the main stages of the vacuum forming process. They will also be able to use the vacuum forming process to create a mould for a chocolate Easter egg. Lastly, they will be able to cast a chocolate easter Egg from a vacuum formed model. Download the free activity sheets, along with a fun bonus crossword using the words from the activity to enhance learning. All activity sheets and supporting teacher notes, presentation and curriculum links are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs.
Book themed door display

Book themed door display

Decorating a classroom door with a book theme World Book Day is an annual event where people come together to celebrate and promote books and reading. This resource was inspired by World Book Day and supports the development of literacy by creating a decorated door that will inspire learners to find out more about books. When passing through the door, learners could imagine that they are exiting their normal reality into the reality created in that literature. The decorated door could be produced by a teacher or teaching assistant; however, here the learners themselves will design and create the displays. Activity info, teachers’ notes and curriculum links In this activity learners will identify a favourite book and use this as inspiration to design a decorated door. This links reading in English, the design process in Design & Technology and the use of art skills to produce the design. This activity could be used as a main lesson activity, to support learners’ engagement in literacy. It could also be used as a learner-led means of generating class/door displays. All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download and are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs. And please do share your learning highlights and final creations with us on social media @IETeducation or send them via email to IETEducation@theiet.org to be featured in our online gallery. Tools/resources required These will depend upon the designs, but could include: Paper and/or card, writing and colouring implements, lining paper etc. Access to an image bank, either printed out or electronic with access to a colour printer. Scissors and glue sticks. Sticky tack. A selection of books for inspiration. The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.
Aerodynamics timeline

Aerodynamics timeline

In this lesson, students will learn about the development of aerodynamics through history. It’s an engaging starter activity where students will be introduced to the concepts behind aerodynamic design, including how simple shapes can be tested in a wind tunnel and through water. Learners will explore the basic principles of aerodynamics by looking at familiar products (such as cars) that have been designed for speed. As part of the lesson, students will examine how these products have evolved and how aerodynamic principles have influenced these developments. They’ll be asked to identify common features across different products and understand how these features all contribute to speed. This is one of a set of resources developed to aid the teaching of the secondary national curriculum, particularly KS3, supporting the teaching in science or design and technology (DT). Activity: Learning about the history of aerodynamics This activity will ask students to research images of a selection of cars and aeroplanes from the 20th and 21st centuries (without looking at exactly when they were made). Students will then try to arrange these images in chronological order and explain their decision-making process based on the aerodynamics of each vehicle. Download our activity overview for a detailed lesson plan for teaching students about the history of aerodynamics. The engineering context From making the fastest Formula One car, to designing more fuel-efficient aeroplanes, aerodynamics is a fundamental skill for mechanical engineers. By exploring the evolution of cars and airplanes, students will develop an appreciation for how advancements in aerodynamics technology have shaped the look and design of many cars and aeroplanes over the years. Suggested learning outcomes Students will be able to identify trends in the development of aeroplanes and cars. They will gain an understanding of what influenced these developments and be able to explain the role of aerodynamics as part of this. Download our classroom lesson plan and presentation for free. The activity sheet includes teachers’ notes, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs. Please do share your highlights with us @IETeducation.
Fitness and gaming

Fitness and gaming

Testing fitness to decide whether people should engage in computer-based sport With such a wide variety of fitness-based computer games available, this engineering activity for kids encourages children to collect data to find out if video games for fitness have the desired effect on fitness levels. Do technology games really enhance fitness? Can you increase your fitness levels by being in front of a gaming computer? Use this activity to help answer these questions while at the same time questioning the validity of data and the difficulties of carrying out a fair test. This lesson involves a series of discussions and ranking activities to develop students understanding of the link between fitness, pulse rate, respiration, and activity. This activity was designed as a science activity but would be an excellent opportunity to be taught in conjunction with PE and mathematics. Students will divide themselves into groups of 4 to 6 and have a discussion to establish what the group understands by the meaning of the word ‘fitness’ and clarify a group definition. Students should consider the following questions: what do we mean by someone’s level of fitness? What is a pulse rate? What is respiration and where does it happen? Why do we need our heart and blood? What is energy and how does it relate to activity? What you will need Projector Whiteboard The engineering context The ‘Who’s the winner’ scheme of work provides students with an opportunity to collect data which they can use as evidence to debate whether people should be encouraged to engage in computer-based sports activities. The investigation highlights how difficult it is to control all variables and therefore carry out a fair test. The students’ evaluation of the investigation will allow them the chance to question the validity of the data, question the size of the data set used and question the time span data needs to be collected over before it can be used to confirm a claim. Suggested learning outcomes By the end of this engaging activity students will be able to explain what is meant by fitness, pulse rate and respiration and how they are affected by activity. They will also be able to explain how fitness relates to level of activity. All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs. The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. You can stream and download the related films for free by clicking on the appropriate link in the related resources section below. Please share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation
Make an Egyptian necklace

Make an Egyptian necklace

**Discover how to make a necklace inspired by ancient Egyptian jewellery ** In this activity for kids, students will learn how to make an item of jewellery inspired by ancient Egyptian jewellery. This activity will teach students historical facts about ancient Egypt and encourage them to design and create. Resources are provided for teachers to help students make a necklace inspired by the jewellery of the ancient Egyptians. Activity info, teachers’ notes and curriculum links In this activity learners will make an example of a necklace inspired by ancient Egyptian jewellery from easily sourced materials. There are related activities that involve making an alternative form of necklace and bracelets. All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download and are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs. And please do share your learning highlights and final creations with us on social media @IETeducation or send them via email to IETEducation@theiet.org to be featured in our online gallery. Downloadable content • Make an Egyptian necklace activity • Make an Egyptian necklace presentation Tools/resources required Metallic card Kitchen roll/toilet roll tube x3 Gold/silver/bronze paint PVA Glue/glue dots Scissors Rope/cord pre-cut into three lengths The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.
Exploded views

Exploded views

How to draw an exploded view This is one of a set of resources developed to support the teaching of the primary national curriculum. They are designed to support the delivery of key topics within design and technology and maths. This resource focusses on drawing exploded views of products. Different types of drawing are used to communicate different types of information. Exploded views show how the component parts of a product relate to each other. These are widely used to support the assembly of products, for maintenance activities and when building flat pack furniture at home. Producing an exploded view develops drawing skills, whilst simultaneously allowing concepts such as dimensions, proportion and scale to be introduced in a practical context. In this activity learners will produce an exploded view drawing of a pen, working in proportion and ideally to scale. This could be used as a one-off activity, an extension to maths learning on scale, or linked to D&T activities such as product analysis or section drawing. It could also be used in conjunction with the IET primary poster – Exploded Views. Download the activity sheets for free! All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs. The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Please share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation.
CAD design project

CAD design project

Producing a CAD drawing of a design idea This activity involves using CAD to design a modular product that could be made in batches using the casting process. Students will be tasked with creating a mould that could be used to make this product. The aim of this activity is to design a shape that can be tessellated, have a practical application, and would look aesthetically pleasing as a modular set of products that can lock together. This project is part of a series of resources designed to challenge the students by requiring them to apply the knowledge and understanding of engineering materials through a ‘batch’ production experience. This activity should be followed by Investigating batch production . Also included in the series are Engineering design processes and Investigating cast products. It’s one of a set of resources developed to aid the teaching of the secondary national curriculum, particularly KS3, supporting the teaching in engineering and design and technology (D&T). Activity: Producing a CAD drawing of a design idea In this activity students will design a modular product that could be made in batches using the casting process and create a mould that could be used to make this product. Students will be asked to design a set of identical products that interlock (are modular). The products must be suitable for batch production made by casting and be made from PoP (plaster of Paris). They’ll need to produce sketches of some design ideas and then choose one for modelling using CAD software. Students will next create a card model to test the interlocking feature and aesthetics of their design. After this they can make any necessary adjustments to their CAD drawing, and use use CAD/CAM to create an MDF mould. The engineering context Engineers will use CAD design as part of the process of making products. Items that have been designed this way are also ideal for batch production as they can be easily replicated. This links to industrial practices such as quality control, standardisation, and casting manufacture. Suggested learning outcomes This activity will teach students to analyse a design brief as well as generate ideas for a tessellated product that is suitable for batch manufacture. Students will also learn how to produce a CAD drawing of a design idea. Download our activity sheet and other teaching resources The activity sheet includes teachers’ notes, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs. Please do share your highlights with us @IETeducation